ext.window close
ext.window close

Ext.Windowviewsource·close().ClosestheWindow,removesitfromtheDOM,destroystheWindowobjectandallitsdescendantComponents....Closesthe ...,Thebeforecloseeventisfiredbeforetheclosehappensandwillcancelthecloseactionifitreturnsfalse.Note:Thismethodisals...

How to close window when clicking outside window in ExtJS 4.1?


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Ext.Window - Ext JS 3.4

Ext.Window view source · close( ). Closes the Window, removes it from the DOM, destroys the Window object and all its descendant Components. ... Closes the ...

Ext.window.Window - Sencha Docs - Ext JS 4.0

The beforeclose event is fired before the close happens and will cancel the close action if it returns false. Note: This method is also affected by the ...

Ext.window.Window - Ext JS 4.2.0

True to display the 'close' tool button and allow the user to close the window, false to hide the button and disallow...

ExtJS 4: Intercepting a Window Closure

The important thing to note here is that the “beforeclose” event is fired before the actual closing of the window occurs. As the docs point out, ...

Detach events after the window is closed

Closing a window (by close method) with a previously connected internal event does not detach this event and leaves the window class instance in memory.

ExtJS 4 Confirm Window to close().js

Add confirm message to Window. * @param {Ext.window.Window} win. * @returns {Boolean}. */. windowCloseConfirm: function(win) {.

How to confirm Ext window close

It may sometimes be needed to ask the user if he really wants to close an Ext window. Naturally, we would use Message Box for this purpose, ...

EXTJS close a window

I have a Window. I'm having some issues with the default close button which is on the top-right hand corner of the window.

How to close window when clicking outside window in ExtJS 4.1?

I'm trying to close window when user clicks anywhere outside the window and I'm not having any luck with it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

ExtJS, Conditional destroying of a Ext.Window component

This Ext JS tip shows how you can conditionally destroy a window with a confirmation. The following tip applies to Sencha ExtJS release 4 (maybe also to 3). It ...


Ext.Windowviewsource·close().ClosestheWindow,removesitfromtheDOM,destroystheWindowobjectandallitsdescendantComponents....Closesthe ...,Thebeforecloseeventisfiredbeforetheclosehappensandwillcancelthecloseactionifitreturnsfalse.Note:Thismethodisalsoaffectedbythe ...,Truetodisplaythe'close'toolbuttonandallowtheusertoclosethewindow,falsetohidethebuttonanddisallow...,Theimportantthingtonotehereisth...